Monday, May 14, 2012

Simple, Enjoyable Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day - a day honoring mothers, their dedication, sacrifice and love. Another day on the calendar to encourage family get-togethers and interactions. Another day for businesses to cash in, for the economy to turn. Oh, I contributed generously to the economy on this day for sure!

The long and short of it, I'm sure are in abundance all over the web.

Claypot Chicken Rice

I just want to share small highlights of my day - and the cute boxers I bought!

Mothers Day 2012, started out like any other lazy Sunday. It was such a special day  I sacrificed golf to stay in. Unbelievable! Took the family out for a simple but tasty lunch.    

On pain of death, my boys 'willingly' accompanied me out shopping.

Felt thoroughly upbeat and indulgent. Even promised the boys we'd try Garrett's - the most overpriced popcorn on this side of the hemisphere! Waltzed into Candylicious, a store for those with a sweet-tooth and where Garrett's is housed. Ended up buying the Chicago mix - a combination of Cheese and Caramel. Thoroughly over-rated.

There's Garrett's!

Lovely candy tree

The boys just had to have some too!

The day & the lively, cool atmosphere led to... hahaha, kinky knickers for the boys! (Much to the delight of one and the chagrin of the other..)

Aren't these cute?
We then went home and had a small modelling session which naturally, is rated "X" so cannot be posted  :D

My old man came home from golf to join us for dinner. The day ended with a good dose of Dave's Deli. Couldn't ask for a better Mother's Day...

Steak & Mushroom Pie
Foot Long Sausage

Quarter Roast Chicken